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31.    Finger, J. W. Jr., S. M. Goetz, M. D. Kelley, L. M. Horne, S. Piccolomini, R. M. Elsey, and M. T. Mendonca. 2020. American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) serum inhibits pitviper venom metalloproteinases. Journal of Herpetology 54, 151-154.


30.    Glenn, T. C., T. W. Pierson, N. J. Bayona-Vasquez, T. J. Kieran, S L. Hoffberg, J. Thomas, Daniel E. Lefever, J. W. Finger Jr., B. Gao, X. Bian, S. Louha, R. Kolli, K. Bentley, J. Rushmore, K. Wong, T. I. Shaw, M. Rothrock, A. M. McKee, T. L. Guo, R. Mauricio, M. Molina, B. Cummings, L. H. Lash, K. Lu, G. S. Gilbert, S. P. Hubbell, and B. C. Faircloth. In Press. Adaterama II: Universal amplicon sequencing on Illumina platforms (Taggimatrix). PeerJ 7:e7786.


29.    Glenn, T. C., R. A. Nilsen, T. J. Kieran, J. G. Sanders, J. W. Finger Jr., T. W. Pierson, K.E. Bentley, S. L. Hoffberg, S. Louha, N. J. Bayona-Vasquez, F. J. Garcia-De Leon, M. Angel Del Rio Portilla, K. D. Reed,  J. L. Anderson, J. K. Meece, S. E. Aggrey, R. Rekaya, M. Alabady, M. Belanger, K. Winker, and B. C. Faircloth. In Press. Adapterama I: Universal stubs and primers for 384 unique dual-indexed or 147,456 combinatorially-indexed Illumina libraries (iTru & iNext). PeerJ 7:e7755.


28.    Bayona-Vasquez, N. J., T. C. Glenn, T. J. Kieran, T. W. Pierson, S L. Hoffberg, P. A. Scott, K. E. Bentley, J. W. Finger Jr., M. Carlson, S. Louha, N. Troendle, P. Diaz-Jaimes, R. Mauricio, and B. C. Faircloth. In Press. Adapterama III: Quadruple-indexed, double/triple-enzyme RADseq libraries (2RAD/3RAD). PeerJ 7:e7724.     


27.    Finger, J. W. Jr., M. T Hamilton, M. D. Kelley, N. I. Stacy, T. C. Glenn, and T. D. Tuberville. 2019. Examining the impact of chronic selenium exposure on commonly used stress parameters in juvenile American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 77, 14-21.

26.    Finger, J. W. Jr., P. C. Thomson, and S. R. Isberg. 2019. A pilot study to understand tooth replacement in near-harvest farmed saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus): implications for blemish induction. Aquaculture 504, 102-106.  

25.    Finger, J. W. Jr., M. D. Kelley, R. M. Elsey, and M. T. Mendonca. 2018. Visual obstruction has no effect on post-capture corticosterone levels of juvenile American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). Journal of Herpetology 52, 398-401.  

24.    Isberg, S. R., J. W. Finger Jr., and P. C. Thomson. 2018. Quantification of plasma corticosterone in juvenile farmed saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) using current Australian Code of Practice guidelines. General and Comparative Endocrinology 269, 96-101.

23.    Hamilton, M. T., J. W. Finger Jr., R. M. Elsey, G. F. Mastromonaco, and T. D. Tuberville. 2018. Corticosterone in American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) Scutes: Evaluating the Feasibility of Using Keratinized Tissue for Investigating Environmental Stressors. General and Comparative Endocrinology 268, 7-13.

22.     Gurley, B., J. W. Finger Jr., and H. Wada. 2018. Sex-specific effects of incubation temperature on development of zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) embryos. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 91, 1036-1045.

21.    Hoffman, A. J., J. W. Finger Jr., and H. Wada. 2018. Early stress priming and the effects on fitness-related traits following an adult stress exposure. Journal of Experimental Zoology A. doi: 10.1002/jez.2190

20.     Finger, J. W. Jr., M. T. Hamilton, M. D. Kelley, Y. Zhang, A. Kavazis, T. C. Glenn, and T. D. Tuberville. 2018. Dietary selenomethionine administration and its effects on the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis): oxidative status and corticosterone levels. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 75, 37-44.     

19.     Finger, J. W. Jr., A. J. Hoffman, and H. Wada. 2018. Temporal variation in constitutive and inducible heat shock proteins in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Ibis 160, 390-396. 

18.    Finger, J. W. Jr., J. Botero, Y. Zhang, S. E. Still, A. J. Hoffman, A. N. Kavazis, D. A. Cristol, and H. Wada. 2017. No effect of lifelong methylmercury exposure on oxidative status in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata): a demonstration of methylmercury-induced selection? Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 99, 668-672.

17.    Haskins, D. L., M. T. Hamilton, N. I. Stacy, J. W. Finger Jr., and T. D. Tuberville. 2017. Effects of selenium exposure on the hematology, innate immunity, and metabolic rate of yellow-bellied sliders (Trachemys scripta scripta). Ecotoxicology 26, 1134-1146.

16.    Kelley, M. D., M. Creachbaum, A. Mineo, and J. W. Finger Jr. 2017. The negative effects of artificial crab spiders (Misumenops spp.) on Piper pollinator behaviour in Costa Rica during an unseasonably wet dry season. Oecologia Australis 21, 201-206.

15.    Haskins, D. L., M. T. Hamilton, A. L. Jones, J. W. Finger Jr., R. B. Bringolf, and T. D. Tuberville. 2017. Accumulation of coal combustion residues and their immunological effects in the yellow-bellied slider (Trachemys scripta scripta). Environmental Pollution 224, 810-819.

14.    Finger, J. W. Jr., M. T. Hamilton, T. C. Glenn, and T. D. Tuberville. 2017. Dietary selenomethionine administration in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis): hepatic and renal Se accumulation and its effects on growth and body condition. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 72, 439-448. doi:10.1007/s00244-017-0370-4

13.    Kelley, M. D. and J. W. Finger Jr. 2016. Pseudemys floridana (Coastal Plain Cooter). Lee County, Alabama. Geographic Distribution. Herpetological Review 47:2, 254.

12.    Finger, J. W. Jr., M. T. Hamilton, B. S. Metts, T. C. Glenn, and T. D. Tuberville. 2016. Chronic ingestion of coal fly-ash contaminated prey and its effects on health and immune parameters in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 71, 347-358.

11.    Hamilton, M. T., C. A. Kupar, M. D. Kelley, J. W. Finger Jr., and T. D. Tuberville. 2016. Blood and plasma biochemistry reference intervals for wild juvenile American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 52, 631-635. 

10.    Tuberville, T. D., D. E. Scott, B. S. Metts, J. W. Finger Jr., and M. T. Hamilton. 2016. Hepatic and renal trace element concentrations in American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) following chronic dietary exposure to coal fly ash contaminated prey. Environmental Pollution 214, 680-689.

9.    Hamilton, M. T., J. W. Finger Jr., M. E. Winzeler, and T. D. Tuberville. 2016. Evaluating the effect of sample type on American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) analyte values in a point-of-care blood analyzer. Conservation Physiology 4, 1-7. doi: 10.1093/conphys/cov065

8.    Finger, J. W. Jr., P. C. Thomson, and S. R. Isberg. 2016. Unexpected lower testosterone in faster growing farmed saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) hatchlings. General and Comparative Endocrinology 226 1-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2015.11.016.

7.    Finger, J. W. Jr., P. C. Thomson, A. L. Adams, S. Benedict, C. Moran, and S. R. Isberg. 2015. Reference levels for corticosterone and immune function in farmed saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) hatchlings using current Code of Practice guidelines. General and Comparative Endocrinology 212, 63-72. doi: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2015.01.023

6.    Finger, J. W. Jr., R. J. Williams, M. T. Hamilton, R. M. Elsey, V. A. Oppenheimer, S. D. Holladay, and R. M. Gogal Jr. 2015. Influence of collection time on hematologic and immune markers in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry 36:5, 496-509. doi: 10.1080/15321819.2014.1001030.

5.    Temple, B. L.*, J. W. Finger Jr.*, C. A. Jones, J. D. Gabbard, T. Jelesijevic, E. W. Uhl, R. J. Hogan, T. C. Glenn, and S. M. Tompkins. 2015. In ovo and in vitro susceptibility of American alligators to avian influenza virus infection. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 51:1, 187-198. doi: 10.7589/2013-12-321. *Authors contributed equally to study

4.    Green, R. E., E. L. Braun, J. Armstrong, D. Earl, N. Nguyen, G. Hickey, M. W. Vandewege, J. A. St John, S. Capella-Gutiérrez, T. A. Castoe, C. Kern, M. K. Fujita, J. C. Opazo, J. Jurka, K. K. Kojima, J. Caballero, R. H. Hubley, A.F. Smit, R.N. Platt, C.A. Lavoie, M.P. Ramakodi, J. W. Finger Jr., A. Suh, S. R. Isberg, L. Miles, A. Y. Chong, W. Jaratlerdsiri, J. Gongora, C. Moran, A. Iriarte, J. McCormack, S. C. Burgess, S. V. Edwards, E. Lyons, C. Williams, M. Breen, J. T. Howard, C. R. Gresham, D. G. Peterson, J. Schmitz, D.D. Pollock, D. Haussler, E.W. Triplett, G. Zhang, N. Irie, E. D. Jarvis, C. A. Brochu, C. J. Schmidt, F. M. McCarthy, B. C. Faircloth, F. G. Hoffmann, T. C. Glenn, T. Gabaldón, B. Paten, and D. R. Ray. 2014. The genomes of three crocodilians provide insight into Archosaur evolution. Science 364:62115. doi: 10.1126/science.1254449

3.    Finger, J. W. Jr., and R. M. Gogal Jr. 2013. Endocrine disrupting chemical exposure and the American Alligator: A review of the potential role of environmental estrogens on the immune system of a top trophic carnivore. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 65:4, 704-714. doi: 10.1007/s00244-013-9953-x  

2.    Finger, J. W. Jr., A. L. Adams, P. C. Thomson, C. M. Shilton, G. P. Brown, C. Moran, L. G. Miles, T. C. Glenn, and S. R. Isberg. 2013. Using phytohaemagglutinin to determine immune responsiveness in saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus). Australian Journal of Zoology 61:4, 301-311. doi: 10.1071/ZO13041

1.    Finger, J. W. Jr., and S. R. Isberg. 2012. A review of innate immune functions in crocodilians. CAB Reviews 7:67, 1-11. doi: 10.1079/PAVSNNR20127067

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